address: ul. Dukatów 8, 31-431 Kraków
phone/fax: +48 12 352 39 60
NIP: 676-007-87-03

A member of the World Foundry Organization

Member of the Federation of Scientific and Technical Associations NOT
About Company Catalog

Veolia Water Technologies Sp. z o.o.

Veolia Water Technologies belongs to the global Veolia Group and is a leading provider of water and wastewater solutions. We provide solutions, technologies and equipment for treatment and preparation of process water and treatment of production wastewater. We optimize water and energy consumption, reduce water and wastewater costs and operating costs. Using evaporation and membrane technologies, we treat all types of wastewater from metal casting processes. We supply package and standardized systems tailored to individual requirements, e.g.: multitechnological units, EVALED evaporators and crystallizers, HYDROTECH drum and disc filters, systems of demineralization, deionization and reverse osmosis.

Tel.: +48+48 (22) 506 57 00
Aleje Jerozolimskie 146 A,
02-305 Warszawa